Rotary Racer 7 Performance

Car Details - 2009-04-26


Car for coporate challenge 2009-04-26:

Cars weight 52.0 Kg
Battery weight 35.6 Kg
Drivers weight 45 Kg
Total all up weight 132.6 Kg

Car Details - 2008-03-22


Car for first race:

Cars weight 47.4 Kg
Battery weight 35.6 Kg
Drivers weight 42 Kg
Total all up weight 125 Kg

Weight distribution:
Item Front Rear
All up 38.2 86.2
Without Driver 19.2 64
Without driver and batteries 16.8 31.8

Car during construction. Basic frame no covering.
Frame weight 26.4Kg
Battery Weight 17.4Kg (each)
Motor Weight 6.0Kg
Drivers Weight 40Kg (average)
Total all up weight 107Kg

Gear Ratios

Speed Controller

The electronic speed controller was developed by the Rotary Racer team for the Rotary Racer car. It is computer controlled using the CarComputer also developed by the Rotary Racer team. It has the following efficiency figures:
Measurement Value
Resistance at full power 0.011 Ohms
Efficiency at 24Volt 25Amps full power Efficiency 98.88% (estimated)
Efficiency at 24Volt 25Amps 90% power Efficiency 97.9% (estimated)

Motor Testing

The new motor (RR2) was tested on 2008-04-23 on the motor test rig using the Motor Speed controller and car computer. The load was a motor driving 10 x 12V 50W Hallogen bulbs. We obtained the following figures:

Speed RPM Current Amps
840 7.48
1110 10.89
1170 11.89
1390 14.52
1570 17.74
1630 18.55
1690 (full) 19.36

With no load the motor ran at 2120 RPM and used 2.21 Amps.

With a load of 14 x 12V 50W Hallogen bulbs the motors RPM was: 1600 and took 22.99 Amps.

The old motor (RR1) was tested on 2008-04-23 on the motor test rig using the Motor Speed controller and car computer. The load was a motor driving 10 x 12V 50W Hallogen bulbs. We obtained the following figures:

Speed RPM Current Amps
840 7.86
1110 11.09
1170 12.10
1390 14.92
1570 17.94
1630 18.95
1690 19.96
18.60 (full) 23.19

Power Usage

Item Current Effect on Efficiency
Solenoid 0.4 Amp - 1.6%
Brake Light 1 Amp - 4%